GOTO Berlin 2018
Videos from GOTO Berlin 2018

How to Build a Consultancy People Enjoy Working for

A Cartoon Quest: New Adventures for WebAssembly

Troubleshooting & Debugging Microservices in Kubernetes

Coworking Spaces - a Journey through the Concepts with Destination Dream Space

(Deep) Learning to Fly

Introduction to OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect

GameDays: Practice Thoughtful Chaos Engineering

Accelerated Learning: How Agile Can Help You?

SSL/TLS for Mortals

50.000 Orange Stickies Later

The 7 Quests of Resilient Software Design

Optimizing Kubernetes Deployments with Helm

Mind as Code - Mindfulness for Developers and Knowledge Workers

GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere

Computers are Stupid: Protecting "AI" from Itself

From the OWASP Top Ten(s) to the OWASP ASVS

Making Microservices Micro with Istio and Kubernetes

Insecure Transit - Microservice

The Different Perspectives needed for Self-organization

An Introduction to Bluetooth mesh for Developers

Zen and the Art of Convincing Your Company to Use Rust

Modular Monoliths

CERN, from an IT Perspective

Building LPWAN Solutions that last for Years

Artificial Intelligence Reloaded - AI Applications in the Industry

Event-Driven Microservices - not (just) about Events!

Your Superpower User Manual

Build a Q&A Bot with DeepLearning4J

Boost your API Development with GraphQL & Prisma

Event-based Architecture and Implementations with Kafka and Atom

The World after Microservice Migration with Service Mesh and Contract Testing

Securing the JVM

15 Years of Spring: Evolving a Java Application Framework

Build Agility with Design Sprints

Keeping Up with Java

#ToyFail: Is your Child Safe from the Internet of Things?

Pop Songs and Programming for Fun and Profit

Swearing, Nudity and Other Vulnerable Positions

Experience Report - Teaching Kids to Code for 10 Years

Why you don't see Blockchain in your Everyday Life... yet

Frugal Innovation

Ethereum Fundamentals

Functional Programming in 40 Minutes

Energy and Education Access for Remote Communities

How Software can be Thought of as a Force for Good

Talking with Tech Leads

Secret Management with Hashicorp's Vault

Let's all just agree: Achieving consensus in Blockchain-based systems

5 Reasons to use Reactive Programming if you are not eBay

An Intro to Project Riff, a FaaS Built on Top of Knative

Serverless Architectural Patterns and Best Practices

From (Big) Data Mess to Data as an Innovation Enabler
Experts from GOTO Berlin 2018

Erik Doernenburg
Head of technology at Thoughtworks and contributor of several books

Ashley Williams
A specialist and core contributor to Rust, the most loved dev-driven language. #rust

Phil Winder
Winder Research
CEO of Winder.AI, author of "Reinforcement Learning"

Patrick Kua
Founder of the Tech Lead Academy

Christoph Windheuser
Building applications fast in high quality, based on data and AI

Lars Grunske
Humboldt University of Ber...
Software Engineering Professor at Humboldt University of Berlin

Kiki Carter
Developing large-scale distributed systems using Reactive Principles at Lightbend

Simon Singh
Independent Author
Physicist, journalist and best-selling author with the first book about mathematics to become a No.1 bestseller in the UK

Pak-Hang Wong
Universität Hamburg
Ethics in Information Technology Research Associate at Universität Hamburg

Katharine Jarmul
Probably Private
Privacy/Security Expert at Probably Private & O'Reilly Author

Ricardo Garcia
Helping developers deploy blockchain proof-of-concepts, platforms and applications at BigchainDB

Eberhard Wolff
Prolific author of "Microservices: Flexible Software Architecture". Working for 15+ years as an architect & consultant

Alberto Brandolini
Creator of EventStorming

Maarten Mulders
Info Support
IT architect at Info Support passionate about lean and elegant solutions

Gary Crawford
AKQA Sweden
Used Agile Techniques for Smuggling Whiskey - All in the Name of Science

Laurent Bossavit
Agilist, recipient of Agile Alliance's 2006 Gordon Pask award and leprechaun hunter

Philipp Nagele
AR expert, building award-winning multi-sensory experiences at Wikitude

Sascha Möllering
Amazon Web Services EMEA SA...
Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL

Marc Cohen
Building tools, demos, tutorials, and other educational artifacts to make computing and data science more accessible and inclusive

Nicolas Fränkel
Loft Labs
Developer Advocate for Loft Labs

Martin Quensel
Startup co-founder building the OS for global commerce to decentralise business relations

John Le Drew
Wise Noodles
Coach, consultant, trainer, experienced engineer and international keynote speaker; founder of Wise Noodles

PJ Hagerty
Developer advocate at Mattermost and a board member of Open Sourcing Mental Illness

Betty Enyonam Kumahor
The Cobalt Partners
Managing Partner at Cobalt Partners focused on frugal digital innovation

Ryan Knight
Senior Technologist architecting and building large scale, distributed applications

Sam Newman
The Microservices Expert. Author of "Building Microservices" & "Monolith to Microservices"

Philippe De Ryck
Pragmatic Web Security
Web Security Expert, Founder of Pragmatic Web Security

Stefan Rudnitzki
Transformer of organisations, who helped turn Europace into a fully-autonomous holocracy

Kristian Løken Wille
Bouvet ASA
Expert in security, web development, real-time positioning systems, mobile platforms and children's toys

Johan Stokking
The Things Network
Tech Lead, CTO & Co-founder of the World's Largest LoRaWAN Network