
Alexa, Let’s Build a Serverless Skill

How Beauteous Technology is! O Brave New World

Harnessing EDA & Workflows to Build Real-world Generative AI Applications

Serverless Compute at the Heart of Your EDA

Adopting Cloud Native EDAs - The Serverless Staircase

Are We Post-Serverless?

How Event Driven Architectures Go Wrong & How to Fix Them

Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones

Shifting Gears: From Events to Event Driven

Serverless Tales from the Trenches

Going Serverless with VueJS

Serverless Compute at the Heart of Your EDA

The Value Flywheel Effect: A Modern Cloud Strategy

From Your Keyboard to your Customers without a Server to Manage In-between

Serverless Chatbots with Amazon Lex & AWS Lambda

Serverless + Modern Agile: A Match made in Silicon Heaven

Serverless: the Future of Software Architecture

Building a Serverless Distributed Ledger with FaunaDB

Designing for the Serverless Age

Why the Fuss about Serverless

Optimizing EDA Workflows: Realtime Serverless Communication with Momento Topics

Evolving Serverless Architectures

Empowering Architectural Evolution: Governing Event-Driven Solutions with Confidence

When should you use a Serverless Approach?

Cloud Trends

Serverless: Five Key Things you need to Know

Scaling Kubernetes-based Event-driven Workloads with Keda and Karpenter

Observability in an Asynchronous World

Confusion in the Land of the Serverless

Packaging Applications in a Serverless World!

Serverless Beyond the Hype

Optimizing Kubernetes Deployments with Helm

Accelerating Event-driven Architecture with Domain-driven Design

Serverless Architectural Patterns and Best Practices

What Does THIS Button Do? Serverless and IoT

Microservices Without Servers

Breaking Language Barriers with AI

Serverless is the Abstraction We Deserve

Robot DJs: Better Spotify Playlists through Music Theory and Discrete Optimization

Serverless: Five Key Things you need to Know

Building Evolutionary Infrastructure

Welcome to Serverless 2.0

The Future of Event-Driven Architectures: What Opportunities Lie Ahead

What Does THIS Button Do? Serverless and IoT

Azure Serverless for Developers

Serverless 2.0: Get started with the PLONK Stack

Unlocking Faster and Efficient Data Processing with Serverless

Journey to EDA: Patterns, Best Practices, and Practical Tips

Thinking Asynchronously

Building a "Backend-less" URL Shortener

A Tour of the Modern Java Platform

Thinking Serverless: From User Request to Serverless Solution

Complexity is the Gotcha of Event-driven Architecture

Event-Driven Integration Today and Tomorrow

Static Code Analysis - A Behind-the-scenes Look

Building Practical, Cost-Efficient GenAI Solutions Using Serverless

Web3 Beyond Blockchains

A Year of Diagnosing Pediatric Cancer with Event Driven Architecture

Building Low-Code Applications with Serverless Workflows

Scaling for Global Growth with Modern Cloud

Bringing EDA to the Containers World

Startup Talk: How to Seamlessly Plug Into AWS's Open Ecosystem as a 3rd Party Tool

The Art of Embracing Failures with Serverless Architectures

DynamoDB in an EDA World

Innovations in Serverless & Event-Driven Solutions

Serverless Compute at the Heart of Your EDA

Evolving Your Containerized REST Based Microservices to Adapt to EDA

Developing Highly Scalable Image Storage Solution with AWS Serverless at ip.labs

Use Solace and AWS to Create a Global EDA Backbone

Scaling EDA Workloads with Kubernetes, KEDA & Karpenter

Complexity is the Gotcha of Event-driven Architecture

Optimizing Amazon EventBridge Pipes with Apache Kafka at ProSiebenSat.1

Scaling for Global Growth with Modern Cloud

Serverless and Event-driven Patterns for GenAI

Using Serverless and ARM64 for Real-Time Observability

Panel Discussion

Serverless Compute at the Heart of Your EDA

Outsmarting the Genie: How to Make Smart Architecture Decisions when Building Gen AI Apps

Patterns for Building Event-driven Web & Mobile App Backends

Serverless Development on AWS

How Serverless Technologies Accelerate Our Digital Transformation

Developing Highly Scalable Image Storage Solution with AWS Serverless

AWS Cookbook: Recipes for Success on AWS

Adoption and Future Perspectives for the Cloud

The Art of EDA Visuals: Exploring Concepts Through Graphics

Expert Talk: Are We Post-Serverless?

Expert Talk: Cloud Native and Serverless

Why Cloud Native is the New Standard

Building Modern Apps with Serverless & Feature Flags

Innovations in Serverless and Event-Driven Solutions

Vishal Kumar Bhagchandani
Illinois Institute of Techn...
GDSC Lead @ Illinois Institute of Technology

Daniele Frasca
Seven.One Studios
Team Lead of Content Discovery and AWS Serverless Community Builder

Josh Kahn
Amazon Web Services
Worldwide Tech Leader for Serverless and a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS

Marcin Sodkiewicz
Principal Software Engineer @ Ryanair, AWS Community Builder & Leader, Cloud & Serverless technologies enthusiast
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