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Vijai Ramcharan

Principal Engineer, Tech Enthusiast & Dad

Vijai  Ramcharan

Vijai Ramcharan

Vijai Ramcharan has been working in the software engineering field as an engineer and architect for over twenty years. He is passionate about using software technology to put a smile on the users face, and help them get something done. He likes to peel away layers, both in software architecture and companies, in order to simplify things and get stuff done.

Currently he is working as a Principal Engineer at NN Group focusing on engineering experience and platform engineering. In his free time he is always tinkering with code most recently using serverless architectures and playing with LLMs.

Besides working on software, Vijai loves to spend as much time as possible with his wife Sharmila and eight-year-old son Jayce. Together they like to travel around the world, where they enjoy the sun, local food, culture and each other.

Content featuring Vijai Ramcharan

Combining Product Thinking & Spotify’s Backstage for Building NN’s IDP
Combining Product Thinking & Spotify’s Backstage for Building NN’s IDP
GOTO Amsterdam 2024
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