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AWS Cookbook: Recipes for Success on AWS

Publication date:
September 14, 2022
John Culkin
John Culkin

Senior Solutions Architect AWS & Co-Author of AWS Cookbook

Mike Zazon
Mike Zazon

Senior Cloud Architect at AWS & Co-Author of AWS Cookbook

This practical guide provides over 70 self-contained recipes to help you creatively solve common AWS challenges you'll encounter on your cloud journey. If you're comfortable with rudimentary scripting and general cloud concepts, this cookbook provides what you need to address foundational tasks and create high-level capabilities.


AWS Cookbook: Recipes for Success on AWS

If you are working with AWS on a daily basis or are looking into it then the AWS Cookbook by John Culkin and Mike Zazon should definitely be on your radar. Explore some of the recipes that can ease and improve your work in a discussion with Kesha Williams, senior manager at Slalom. Some of the recipes discussed look at security, networking, storage, serverless, and containers.

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