GOTO Copenhagen 2018
Videos from GOTO Copenhagen 2018

Augmented Reality and Machine Learning cooperation on Mobile

Beyond AI

Inextricably Linked: Reproducibility and Productivity in Data Science and AI

Kubernetes-ize your Java Application

Why I Was Wrong About TypeScript

Machine Learning: Alchemy for the Modern Computer Scientist

Your Potential is much Bigger than You Think – True Continuous Improvement with Toyota Kata!

Persuasive Design


Augmented Reality, Beyond Virtual Objects Floating in Physical Space

Securing APIs and Microservices with OAuth and OpenID Connect

Your Brain on Software Development

Putting Your Security on the Wire

PopcornFlow: If Change is Hard, Make it Continuous

Let’s Get Lazy: Exploring the Real Power of Streams

Fresh Async With Kotlin

Simplification and Automation in Java: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

TensorFlow Lite: how to Accelerate your Android and iOS App with AI

40 Jenkins Features & Plugins You Wished You had Known about Before!

SOLID Elixir

Reaching Beyond Traditional Boundaries with Clojure

Why You Need a Software Delivery Machine

Content Security Policies: Let's Break Stuff

Machine Learning on Source Code

On the Road to Artificial General Intelligence

How Beauteous Technology is! O Brave New World

From the OWASP Top Ten(s) to the OWASP ASVS

Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones

The Corporate Scale Engine

Bringing Magic To Microservice Architecture Development

The Science of Sleep

Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers

Building a Smart Security Camera with Raspberry Pi Zero, Java and AWS

Don't Walk Away from Complexity, Run

Rust Async Programming in 2018

Fireside Chat: Brave New World of Software

Human-Computer Partnerships

Mob Programming and the Power of Flow

Politics & Hierarchy: How We Create It & How to Stop

Governing Agile Delivery

With Age Comes Wisdom (Hopefully): Lessons Learned in 15 Years of Building Software

The Need for Role Model Ladders

Serverless Beyond the Hype

Bold, New Tech Strategies for Business

Principles of Play 2.0

The Future of the Web

The Robustness of Go
Experts from GOTO Copenhagen 2018

Jacob Sherson
Aarhus University
Founding director of Center for Hybrid Intelligence and

Kristian Løken Wille
Bouvet ASA
Expert in security, web development, real-time positioning systems, mobile platforms and children's toys

Benjamin Mitchell
Equal Experts
Experienced Agile Delivery Practitioner & Advocate of Effective Communication Skills

Daniel Terhorst-North
Dan North & Associates
Originator of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) & Principal at Dan North & Associates

Phil Winder
Winder Research
CEO of Winder.AI, author of "Reinforcement Learning"

Francesc Campoy
Gopher, Host of the Just For Func Podcast, and VP of Developer Relations at source{d}

Wendy Mackay
INRIA Saclay/Université Par...
Research director with INRIA Saclay and Head of ExSitu team at Université Paris-Sud

Gabrielle Benefield
Evolve Beyond
Author, speaker and advisor specialising in Mobius Outcome Delivery, Agile and Lean thinking

Rod Johnson
Creator of Spring and Co-founder and CEO at Atomist

Poul Jørgen Jennum
KU / Rigshospitalet
Professor of Neurophysiology and Head of the Danish Center for Sleep Medicine

Matt Brunt
Dungeon Master, Code Tinkerer & Cybersecurity Pro

Erik Meijer
Director of engineering at Facebook; "Think Like A Fundamentalist, Code Like A Hacker"

Venkat Subramaniam
Agile Developer, Inc.
Award-winning author, founder of Agile Developer, Inc.

Mark Coleman
VP Marketing at dotscience and Marketing Chairperson for Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Morten Birk
Alexandra Instituttet
Software Developer at Interactive Spaces Lab & Augmented Reality Wizzard

Mark West
Bouvet Norge AS
Data scientist by day, IoT maker by night and one of GOTO’s highest-rated speakers

Danny Lange
Unity Technologies
SVP of AI and ML at Unity Technologies; previously led innovative ML teams at Uber, AWS and Microsoft

Philippe De Ryck
Pragmatic Web Security
Web Security Expert, Founder of Pragmatic Web Security

Holly Cummins
Red Hat
Senior Principal Software Engineer on the Red Hat Quarkus team

Chris Seaton
Oracle Labs
Research manager leading the work to implement Ruby using the next generation of JVM technology at Oracle Labs

Anita Sengupta
University of Southern CA
Rocket scientist and expert on the future of transportation; responsible for the landing of the Mars Curiosity Rover

Cindy Sridharan
Distributed Systems Enginee...
Author of O'Reilly Book on Distributed Systems Observability