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Frank Olsen

Enterprise Agile Coach

Frank Olsen

Over the past 15 years Frank has helped transform organizations around the world, changing the way people work, building high performing teams, creating business impact. Frank works at all levels in organizations; management, governance, portfolio, program and team. In groups of 100s to 1000s, using scrum, Kanban, scaling frameworks like LeSS, SAFe and homegrown efforts.

Frank is passionate about helping people realize their potential, learning new things and getting the right things done.

What people say about him: “You're not standing still when working with someone like Frank” “Frank has been the lighthouse to me and may others in setting the agile vision for the programme, and in continuing to challenge, coach and encourage us to continuously improve, simplify and create even better approaches and results” “This man is tireless in living agile values, paying attention to collaboration, sharing knowledge, promoting self-organization and inspiring others” “Frank provides energy, humor and focus to the mix and has proven that he can in a very short time design a foundation that will help any organization to succeed” “His enthusiasm and drive is very infectious” “It's 2001 & I'm working in Copenhagen with this crazy guy who's managing projects in a strange way”

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