Anjana Vakil
Independent Developer Educator & Software Engineer
Anjana Vakil
Independent Developer Educator & Software Engineer
I suffer from a chronic case of curiosity, which led me from philosophy to English teaching to computational linguistics to software development. As a freelance engineer, educator, and developer relations consultant, these days I split my time between San Francisco and Berlin, though you can often find me traveling (in a mask) to events around the world to speak about the joy of programming and advocate for a more equitable & ethical tech industry. I love nerding out about functional programming I love nerding out about functional programming & JavaScript, introducing folks to the Recurse Center & Outreachy, and rocking a karaoke mic!
Content featuring Anjana Vakil

The Language of Programming

Programming Across Paradigms

The Language of Programming

Functional Programming Through the Lens of a Philosopher & Linguist

1 Million Subscribers to the GOTO YouTube Channel 🎉
Past masterclasses featuring Anjana Vakil
First steps into Functional Programming | GOTO Berlin 2019
First steps into Functional Programming | GOTO Chicago 2019
First steps into Functional Programming | GOTO Copenhagen 2018
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