Home GOTO Experts Morten Birk

Morten Birk

Software Developer at Interactive Spaces Lab & Augmented Reality Wizzard

Morten Birk

Morten Birk is a Software Developer at Interactive Spaces Lab at The Alexandra Institute, specializing in augmented reality and especially uses of augmented reality within industry and production. He has a MSc in Computer Science from Aarhus University with a main focus on spatial augmented reality and projection mapping. Further Morten is Co-Founder at FieldSense A/S where he works with computer vision and machine learning on satellite imagery.

Content featuring Morten Birk

Augmented Reality, Beyond Virtual Objects Floating in Physical Space
Augmented Reality, Beyond Virtual Objects Floating in Physical Space
GOTO Amsterdam 2019
Augmented Reality, Beyond Virtual Objects Floating in Physical Space
Augmented Reality, Beyond Virtual Objects Floating in Physical Space
GOTO Copenhagen 2018
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