GOTO Copenhagen 2022
Videos from GOTO Copenhagen 2022

Code Red: The Business Impact of Code Quality

Panel Discussion with Challenges From the Audience

Patterns of Legacy Displacement

Training & Monitoring AI

From Data Mess —> Data Mesh: Navigating People, Process & Platforms

Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem

How Comic Strips Help Us Learn From Others' Agile Failures

Managers Are Not That Stupid

Engineering Documentation
![Deno: The JavaScript Runtime for the Serverless Era [remote speaker]](
Deno: The JavaScript Runtime for the Serverless Era [remote speaker]

How We Will Look Back on NFTs – Pyramid Scheme or World Changing Tech?

Avoiding The Temptation To Over-Engineer

Inner Development Loop with Java on Kubernetes

Bare-Metal Chronicles: Intertwinement of Tinkerbell, Cluster API & GitOps

The Psychology of UX

Using Graph Database Technology to Resolve Transitive Vulnerabilities at Scale

Sabotaging a Transformation

Serverlesspresso: Building a Scalable, Event-Driven Application

Addressing Algorithmic Bias

How to Stop Testing and Break Your Code Base

Introduction to the Zig Programming Language

Playing Games With Scrum!

How Do You Bring Development to the Remotest Communities of the World

Agile Product Design From the Trenches

Do You Feel Secure?

Bridging the Chasm Between Research and Software Development – A Story From a Fertility App

How Autonomy Saved One of Spotify’s Most Loved Features From Being Killed

What the Hack?

Why You Don't Trust Your Linter

Finding, Investigating, Report and Publishing Privacy Issues on Mobile Platforms

Five Lines of Code

Building a Managed Platform While Maintaining a Good Developer Experience

Rethinking Connectivity

Automation Is Hard and We Are Doing It Wrong

We Need Guns, Lots of Guns - There Is No Silver Bullet

Machine Learning Made Easy With PyCaret

The Importance of Forgetting for Both Humans and Machines

More Developer Tools Secrets That Shouldn't Be Secrets

Lessons From Billions of Breached Records

The Java Agent: Modifying Bytecode at Runtime to Protect Against Log4J

Why Static Typing Came Back
Experts from GOTO Copenhagen 2022

Christian Heilmann
Author of several JS books. "Java is to JavaScript what car is to Carpet"

Fred George
Fred George Consulting
Early Adopter of OO & Agile, Advocating MicroServices & Programmer Anarchy

Roy Osherove
Team Agile
Author of "The Art Of Unit Testing" and "Elastic Leadership: Growing Self-Organizing Teams"

Thomas Vitale
Software Architect, author of "Cloud Native Spring in Action", CNCF Ambassador, Oracle ACE Pro

Holly Cummins
Red Hat
Senior Principal Software Engineer on the Red Hat Quarkus team

Linda Stougaard Nielsen
Femtec Health
Data scientist, software developer, and agile practitioner

Jens Østergaard
Scrum Training Institute
Agile developer consultant & founder of the Heart of Scrum

Henrik Kniberg
Chief Scientist & Cofounder of

Adam Tornhill
Founder and CTO at CodeScene Programmer, psychologist, Lisp hacker, speaker and author of several books including "Your Code as a Crime Scene"

Joakim Sundén
Better Product Work
Founding partner at Better Product Work and co-creator of the Spotify model

Malte Foegen
wibas GmbH
Chief Operating Officer, working with clients on transforming to be successful in digital times

Luxshan Ratnaravi
Comic Agile
Exposing what happens when agility meets reality through #ComicAgile

Martin Förtsch
TNG Technology Consulting G...
Principal Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Oracle Java Rock Star

Klaus Bucka-Lassen
Agile consultant with 20+ years experience who's helped companies like LEGO, BP, Nestlé, and Jägermeister become more agile

Fabio Nudge Pereira
Red Hat
Author of the book Digital Nudge, Futurist, TEDx Speaker and Curator

Muniba Talha
Copenhagen School of Design...
Lecturer at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology