GOTO Chicago 2017
Videos from GOTO Chicago 2017

The Journey to Microservices from a Startup Perspective

When and How to Explore: an Engineer's Guide

Software-Defined Culture

Developers _are_ Researchers - Improve the work you love with Research Driven Development

Cloud Native Data Pipelines

Introducing Elm to a JavaScript App

Serverless + Modern Agile: A Match made in Silicon Heaven

Feature Branches And Toggles In A Post-GitHub World

Serverless Chatbots with Amazon Lex & AWS Lambda

The Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices

Stream All Things - Patterns of Modern Data Integration

Patterns of Effective Teams

Managing Manager‐less Processes

We can’t have a Progressive Web without Embracing it

Chop Wood, Carry Water

Effective Microservices in a Data-Centric World

Keynote: The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture

In the Eventual Consistency of Succeeding at Microservices

One Journey, many Paths: A Pragmatic Guide for Migrating to Microservices

Programming Across Paradigms

Royal Testing: Purple Teaming to Build & Secure Applications Better!

Keynote: Idée Fixe

Keynote: Debugging Under Fire: Keeping your Head when Systems have Lost their Mind

Keynote: Meeting Resistance and Moving Forward

Serverless: the Future of Software Architecture

Mixed Reality with Microsoft HoloLens

Troubleshooting Tiered Tragedy: A Peek Into Failure

Apache Spark Beyond Shuffling - Why it isn't Magic - but also where there is some really cool Magic

Video Transcoding at the ABC with Microservices

Adaptive Threat Modelling

Elixir: The only Sane Choice in an Insane World

Why BFF (Backend for Frontend) Is Key to Your Microservices Journey: A Morningstar Case Study

Automating Security & Compliance (for Fun & Profit)

Predicting free Pizza with Python. Cowabunga Dude!

Javalution - How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Play Jenga with the entire Software Industry. What could possibly go Wrong?

Be Awesome With DevOps (Through Data!)

Kotlin - Ready for production

Watching Good Ideas Spread and the Benefits of Code as Data

Fast Data Architectures for Streaming Applications

Demystifying Scala

Developing a Front-End CLI for fun and profit
Experts from GOTO Chicago 2017

Gabrielle Crevecoeur
Technical Evangelist at Microsoft focusing on open source technologies

Bryan Cantrill
Oxide Computer Company
Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Oxide Computer Company

Ed Burns
Software stylist, speaker, and author, currently working in the server side Java space

Bridget Kromhout
Co-host of Arrested DevOps Podcast & Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft

Christian Heilmann
Author of several JS books. "Java is to JavaScript what car is to Carpet"

Daniel Terhorst-North
Dan North & Associates
Originator of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) & Principal at Dan North & Associates

Dean Wampler
IBM Research
Product Engineering Director for Accelerated Discovery, IBM Research.

Georges Saab
Senior Vice President of software development for the Java Platform Group at Oracle

Jamie Grier
Data Artisans
Helping people realizing the potential of Flink in their own projects, Director of Applications Engineering at Data Artisans

Jesse Anderson
Big Data Institute
Managing director of Big Data Institute, host of The Data Dream Team podcast

Julie Pitt
Order of Magnitude Labs
Machine Intelligence Expert & Co-founder at Order of Magnitude Labs

Kelley Robinson
Developer Evangelist at Twilio advocating for secure software development

Marcy Sutton
Deque Systems
Web Developer and Accessibility Advocate, Senior Front-End Engineer at Deque Systems, Inc

Mark Heckler
Pivotal Principal Technologist & Developer Advocate, conference speaker, published author, & Java Champion

Martin Fowler
Pioneer of various topics around object-oriented technology and agile methods

Matt Stratton
Host of the Arrested DevOps podcast and Director of Developer Relations at Aiven

Michelle Casbon
Director of Data Science at Qordoba, uses machine learning to create better UX and less pain for engineers

Nicole Forsgren
DevOps Research and Assessm...
CEO & Chief Scientist, DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA)

Phil Winder
Winder Research
CEO of Winder.AI, author of "Reinforcement Learning"

Sam Newman
The Microservices Expert. Author of "Building Microservices" & "Monolith to Microservices"

Zhamak Dehghani
Director of Emerging Technologies at Thoughtworks & Author of "Data Mesh"

Jacob Tomaw
Technology Leader Building Teams, Delivering Business Value, Principal Engineer at Expedia

Adam Tornhill
Founder and CTO at CodeScene Programmer, psychologist, Lisp hacker, speaker and author of several books including "Your Code as a Crime Scene"

Fred George
Fred George Consulting
Early Adopter of OO & Agile, Advocating MicroServices & Programmer Anarchy

Lorena Mesa
Sprout Social
Keeper of Proximate Knowledge aka Platform Engineer, Data at Sprout Social

Thomas Anagrius
One of the very first and early adopters;rocking Elm since 2016; Principal Engineer at Humio

Sid Anand
Data Architect for Datazoom, a rising email security company. Committer, Advisor, Speaker. Former LinkedIn, Netflix and eBay