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Andrew Clay Shafer

Andrew Clay Shafer has built a career helping people improve technology and processes for delivering software services. As a co-founder of Puppet Labs, he evangelized DevOps practices and tools before DevOps was a word. He got first hand experience implementing and operating cloud infrastructure as the VP of Engineering at Cloudscaling. Now at Pivotal, Andrew focuses on helping the Cloud Foundry ecosystem and Pivotal customers leverage platforms to build the future.

Andrew is also a passionate advocate for open-source software and collaborative approaches to technology development. He has served on the boards of several non-profit organizations focused on open-source software and has been involved in numerous community-building initiatives. Andrew Clay Shafer's contributions to the tech industry have been widely recognized. He has received several awards and honors, including the O'Reilly Open Source Award and the Wall Street Journal's Top Small Workplaces award.

Check out Andrew’s past talk:

Content featuring Andrew Clay Shafer

Chop Wood, Carry Water
Chop Wood, Carry Water
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More Buzzwords Won't Help: The Long History of DevOps Failures
More Buzzwords Won't Help: The Long History of DevOps Failures
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