Home GOTO Experts Charlie Hunt

Charlie Hunt

JVM Engineer at Oracle and lead author of “Java Performance”

Charlie Hunt

Charlie Hunt is a JVM Engineer at Oracle leading Java and JVM projects with a focus on reducing memory footprint while maintaining application throughput and latency. He is also the lead author of Java Performance, published in 2011, and co-author of the Java Performance Companion, published in 2016. He serves as a regular presenter at the JavaOne conference where he has been recognized as a Java Rockstar. Prior to leading JVM projects for Oracle, Charlie held numerous performance positions including the Performance Engineering Architect at Salesforce.com, and HotSpot VM Performance Architect at Oracle and Sun Microsystems.

Content featuring Charlie Hunt

Javalution - How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Play Jenga with the entire Software Industry. What could possibly go Wrong?
Javalution - How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Play Jenga with the entire Software Industry. What could possibly go Wrong?
GOTO Chicago 2017
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