GOTO Amsterdam 2019
Videos from GOTO Amsterdam 2019

It's Getting Faster

Conversation AI, the new User Experience

PopcornFlow: If Change is Hard, Make it Continuous

Build Agility with Design Sprints

Machine Ethics

Journeys To Cloud Native Architecture: Sun, Sea And Emergencies

Millisecond Full Stack Acceptance Tests

From Tic Tac Toe to AlphaGo: Playing games with AI

Keeping Up with Java

Event-Driven Microservices, the Sense, the Non-sense and a Way Forward

AI/ML, Quantum Computing and 5G – Opportunities, Challenges and the Impact on Society

An Introduction to Systems and Service Monitoring with Prometheus

Event Storage in Axon Server - How does it work?

Content Security Policies: Let's Break Stuff

An Introduction to Bluetooth mesh for Developers

Mastering the Linux Command Line

What Does THIS Button Do? Serverless and IoT

Attitude of Iteration

Can Quantum Computing Help to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe?

CERN, from an IT Perspective

Rust 2018: Access All Areas

Swearing, Nudity and Other Vulnerable Positions

Building Evolutionary Infrastructure

REST beyond the Obvious - API Design for ever Evolving Systems

Get Ready to Rock with Sonic Pi - The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone

How we Built Google Tulip by using Serverless Technology and Machine Learning

Mind as Code - Mindfulness for Developers and Knowledge Workers

Life After Java 8

Energy and Education Access for Remote Communities

How to Build CQRS and Event Sourcing Application with Axon and Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Introduction to Stateful Stream Processing with Apache Flink

Taking Security Seriously


Boost your API Development with GraphQL & Prisma

The Happy Movement: How Business Is The Key To Making The World A Happier Place

Extreme Digitalization in China

Thinking Like a Data Scientist

Common API Security Pitfalls

Introduction to Micronaut: Lightweight Microservices with Ahead of Time Compilation

Discovering RESTful Web Microservices: A Traveler's Guide

Temporal Modelling

Getting to Grips with Kubernetes RBAC

Modern Continuous Delivery

Augmented Reality, Beyond Virtual Objects Floating in Physical Space

Migrating Spring Boot Apps from Annotation-based Config to Functional with Kotlin

From Flying Cars to Humans on Mars - The Future of Transportation

Journey of an Entrepreneur: the Story of a Product Startup from a Founder's Perspective

It’s a Small World after all - How Thinking Small is Changing Software Development Big Time

Serverless: Five Key Things you need to Know

The Grand Challenge and Promise of Quantum Computing

In Search of the Perfect Cloud Native Developer Experience

Using Kubernetes for Machine Learning Frameworks

Knowledge is Power: Getting out of Trouble by Understanding Git

Upgrade Time: Choose Java 11 or the “other” one… Kotlin

Real Time Investment Alerts using Apache Kafka at ING Bank

Practical API Design

Secure and Fast microVM for Serverless Computing
Experts from GOTO Amsterdam 2019

Phil Winder
Winder Research
CEO of Winder.AI, author of "Reinforcement Learning"

Gary Crawford
AKQA Sweden
Used Agile Techniques for Smuggling Whiskey - All in the Name of Science

Ben Wilcock
Established Technology Blogger & Advisory Solution Architect in Cloud Application Transformation

Morten Birk
Alexandra Instituttet
Software Developer at Interactive Spaces Lab & Augmented Reality Wizzard

Robert Metzger
PMC member of the Apache Flink project; Co-founder, Engineering Lead Ververica

Mathias Verraes
Founder & Principal Consult...
Founder & Principal Consultant at Aardling, Advisor in Complex Environments

Aslak Hellesøy
Creator of Cucumber; Author of "The Cucumber Book, Behaviour-Driven Development for Developers and Testers"

Philippe De Ryck
Pragmatic Web Security
Web Security Expert, Founder of Pragmatic Web Security

Florian Gilcher
Ferrous Systems
Founder of Ferrous Systems, Music Addict, Rubyist, Rust Trainer & Backend Programmer

John Le Drew
Wise Noodles
Coach, consultant, trainer, experienced engineer and international keynote speaker; founder of Wise Noodles

Johan Stokking
The Things Network
Tech Lead, CTO & Co-founder of the World's Largest LoRaWAN Network

Anita Sengupta
University of Southern CA
Rocket scientist and expert on the future of transportation; responsible for the landing of the Mars Curiosity Rover

Gabrielle Benefield
Evolve Beyond
Author, speaker and advisor specialising in Mobius Outcome Delivery, Agile and Lean thinking

Kief Morris
Author of O'Reilly's "Infrastructure as Code" & Cloud Practice Lead at ThoughtWorks

Garth Gilmour
Liberty IT
Delivered over 1,000 masterclasses & author of 40+ training courses; Learning Consultant at Liberty IT

Nicolas Fränkel
Loft Labs
Developer Advocate for Loft Labs

Lieven Vandersypen
TU Delft
Professor of Quantum Nanoscience & co-director of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at TU Delft & co-founder of QuTech

Liz Keogh
Core Member of the BDD Community, Well-known Blogger, Lean & Agile Consultant

Matt Brunt
Dungeon Master, Code Tinkerer & Cybersecurity Pro

Roy van Rijn
Developer and Architect, Robotics Enthusiast, Hobby Mathematician

Marcin Pakulnicki
ING Bank Netherlands
Head of IT at Daily Banking Tribe at ING Bank Netherlands

Marco Gercke
Cybercrime Research Institu...
Global Thinker & Writer Focussing on Global Security & Cybersecurity

Kelley Robinson
Developer Evangelist at Twilio advocating for secure software development

Eamonn Boyle
World-renowned masterclass teacher with 15+ years' experience as a developer, architect and team lead