Emily Gorcenski
Data scientist and engineer by training and a social justice activist by passion
Emily Gorcenski
Data scientist and engineer by training and a social justice activist by passion
Data scientist by profession, a mathematician and engineer by training and an activist by passion.
Emily has over ten years of experience in scientific computing and engineering research and development. She has a background in mathematical analysis, with a focus on probability theory and numerical analysis. She is currently working in Python development, though she has a background that includes C#/.Net, Unity3D, SQL, and MATLAB. In addition, she has experience in statistics and experimental design, and has served as principal investigator in clinical research projects.
She is currently head of data at ThoughtWorks in Germany. There she is advising clients in a variety of technology development efforts in the data science space.
Catch her at GOTO Amsterdam together with Em Grasmeder, where they will hold a full day of masterclass on continuous delivery for machine learning.
Content featuring Emily Gorcenski

GOTO Night with Emily Gorcenski
Past masterclasses featuring Emily Gorcenski
Continuous Intelligence: Data Science, Hypothesis Driven Development, and Continuous Delivery | GOTO Amsterdam 2020
Continuous Intelligence: Data Science, Hypothesis Driven Development, and Continuous Delivery | GOTO Amsterdam 2019
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