Home GOTO Experts Hanna Prinz

Hanna Prinz

Consultant at InnoQ

Hanna Prinz is a Consultant at INNOQ, focusing on Service Mesh and Infrastructure. Before that, she worked as a developer for backend, web, and apps and as a lecturer for programming. Ever since she experienced the challenges of Ops, she has been most interested in the field of automation and DevOps like Kubernetes, CI/CD, and Service Meshes.

Content featuring Hanna Prinz

Software Technologies that Stand the Test of Time
Software Technologies that Stand the Test of Time
GOTO Book Club
Getting Started with Service Mesh
Getting Started with Service Mesh
GOTO Book Club
GOTO Book Club Highlights Part 2
GOTO Book Club Highlights Part 2
GOTO Book Club
Service Meshes: Istio, Linkerd - or No Mesh at All?
Service Meshes: Istio, Linkerd - or No Mesh at All?
GOTOpia Chicago 2021
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