GOTO Berlin 2017
Videos from GOTO Berlin 2017

A Pragmatic Approach To Enterprise Agility with Sociocracy 3.0

The Meaning of (Artificial) Life

360 Degree View of Smart Ecosystems

So you can Sleep at Night: Ethics in IT

Machine Learning in the Wild: Techniques for Understanding your Audience

The Future of Mars Exploration

Make Web Apps Fun to Build and Easy to Refactor with Elm

Measuring Continuous Delivery


Agile Revisited

Rethinking Leadership

TensorFlow in the Wild (or the Democratization of Machine Learning)

A Crystal Ball to Prioritize Technical Debt

A Practical Guide to Cybercrime

Site Reliability Engineering at Google

Data Science, Delivered Continuously

Confusion In The Land Of The Serverless

REST no more - Using Actors for the Internet of (LEGO) Trains & Raspberry Pis

DDD Today—Modeling Uncertainty


An Overview of Java 9

Health++ The Future of Medicine

Kotlin - One Language, All Tiers: Developing Multiplatform Projects

Four Years in – How Prometheus Revolutionized Monitoring at SoundCloud

#DigitalNudge - The Hidden Forces that Shape our Digital Decisions

Unconditional Code

WebAssembly: What and What Next?

Hacking the Internet of Things for Fun & Profit

How to Break the Rules

From Minutes to Seconds

The Big Friendly Monolith

Building a Serverless Distributed Ledger with FaunaDB

The Dehumanisation of Agile and Objects

Why is Rust Successful?

Improving Business Decision Making with Bayesian Artificial Intelligence


An Incident Post-Mortem

All your Files belong to us: Serving User-generated Content on a Global Scale

Listening In: Cybersecurity in an Insecure Age

Building Evolutionary Architectures
Experts from GOTO Berlin 2017

Fabio Nudge Pereira
Red Hat
Author of the book Digital Nudge, Futurist, TEDx Speaker and Curator

Hannah Fry
University College London
Mathematician, best-selling author and all-round badass known for her joyful ability to bring maths to life for audiences of all interests and abilities

Patrick Kua
Founder of the Tech Lead Academy

James Coplien
Gertrud & Cope
Lean/Agile process and architecture coach; founder of the Pasteur Organizational Patterns project

Michael Green
Blackwood Seven A/S
Machine Learning Expert and Artificial Intelligence Evangelist

Florian Gilcher
Ferrous Systems
Founder of Ferrous Systems, Music Addict, Rubyist, Rust Trainer & Backend Programmer

Richard Clayton
University of Cambridge
Director, Cambridge Cybercrime Centre, University of Cambridge

Adam Tornhill
Founder and CTO at CodeScene Programmer, psychologist, Lisp hacker, speaker and author of several books including "Your Code as a Crime Scene"

Phil Winder
Winder Research
CEO of Winder.AI, author of "Reinforcement Learning"

Daniel Terhorst-North
Dan North & Associates
Originator of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) & Principal at Dan North & Associates

Sam Newman
The Microservices Expert. Author of "Building Microservices" & "Monolith to Microservices"

Susan Landau
Tufts University
Bridge Professor at Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy and School of Engineering, Department of Computer Science at Tufts University

Anita Sengupta
University of Southern CA
Rocket scientist and expert on the future of transportation; responsible for the landing of the Mars Curiosity Rover

Michael Feathers
R7K Research & Conveyance
Author of “Working Effectively with Legacy Code”

Aylin Caliskan
Princeton University
Postdoctoral Research Associate & CITP Fellow at Princeton University