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Cloud Career Journeys: Inspiring chronicles

Publication date:
May 20, 2024
Prasad Rao
Prasad Rao

Principal Solutions Architect at AWS & Co-Author of "Cloud Career Journeys"

When it comes to career in Cloud computing, there is a ton of technical content, but aspirants are still confused about which path to take or how to excel in their Cloud career. We aim to address this gap by including different stories from people coming from diverse backgrounds and excelling in Cloud careers.


Cloud Career Journeys: Inspiring chronicles of 16 individuals who have chosen the “Cloud Path”

When it comes to Cloud computing careers, despite abundant technical resources, many aspirants grapple with uncertainty regarding their career trajectory and how to thrive in the field. Our goal is to bridge this gap by showcasing the varied journeys of individuals from diverse backgrounds who have achieved success in Cloud careers. This book serves as a journey through the life experiences that have shaped these individuals into who they are today. By reading their stories, you'll gain insights as if you've personally met each of them, leaving you inspired, just as we were while crafting this book.

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