Jacqui Read
Author of Communication Patterns
Jacqui Read is an internationally-recognised solution and enterprise architect, and author of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects. She teaches public and private workshops and speaks at international conferences on topics such as architecture practices, technical communication, and systems design. Jacqui specialises in untangling and extracting value from data and knowledge, helping businesses to determine direction in complex environments.
Her professional interests include collaborative modelling, knowledge management, Domain-Driven Design, sociotechnical architecture, and modernising enterprise architecture practices. Outside of work she enjoys gardening and strumming her ukulele while singing at the same time. Her website is https://jacquiread.com.
Upcoming masterclasses featuring Jacqui Read
Diagrams-as-Code with AI
More and more teams are starting to use coding to tackle their diagramming and documentation challenges. Using plain text notations to create diagrams turns a traditionally artistic process into a systematic and data-driven approach. Using diagrams-as-code and models instead of traditional diagrams gives you many benefits, including storing your diagrams alongside your code, automatic consistency, and the ability to engage AI in the process.
Join this masterclass to explore the more popular diagrams-as-code notations so that you can create diagrams-as-code as well as understand the diagrams-as-code that an LLM might generate for you. We all know that the output of an LLM cannot be trusted, so you need to understand the code the LLM supplies to you.
We will cover PlantUML, Mermaid, and Structurizr, for use alongside your code and in documentation and build pipelines. We will also delve into the use cases and limitations of using these diagrams-as-code with AI. All the tools we use in this workshop will be free to use.
Diagrams-as-code notations:
- Comparing PlantUML, Mermaid, & Structurizr
- Diagrams vs. diagrams-as-code vs. models
- Diagrams, syntax, and tools
- Using PlantUML with LLMs
- Exercises
- Diagrams, syntax, and tools
- Using Mermaid with LLMs
- Exercises
- Comparing PlantUML & Mermaid
- Diagrams, syntax, and tools
- Using Structurizr with LLMs
- Exercises
- Comparing PlantUML, Mermaid, & Structurizr
Wrap Up
Developers, Architects, Tech Leads, Technical Writers, Business Analysts, anyone wanting to adopt diagrams-as-code.
Learning Outcomes
- Gain a grounding in PlantUML, Mermaid, and Structurizr
- Understand the tradeoffs of diagrams-as-code and models vs. standard diagrams
- Recognise the limitations and useful use cases of using diagrams-as-code with LLMs
- Learn through hands-on exercises and interactive activities
Reserve your spot now
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