
gRPC in .NET: Basics and More

Adaptive Architectures - Building API Layers that Build Themselves

GraphQL Mesh - Query Any API, Run On Any Platform

Adaptive Architectures - Building API Layers that Build Themselves

Adaptive Architectures: Reimagining API Federation & Microservices Integration

Adaptive Architectures - Building API Layers that Build Themselves

Problem Solving With Erlang & the BEAM

Concurrency Oriented Programming in a Modern World

LiveView Handles the Hard Parts: How LiveView Optimizes Real-Time Web Apps with Streams

Elixir, Phoenix LiveView & Erlang: Expert Talk

Driving BEAM Adoption with Phoenix LiveView

Elixir's Impact: Shaping the Evolution of Erlang

Death of The Spotify Model: On Radical Productivity Improvements at Enterprise Scale

How Serverless Technologies Accelerate Our Digital Transformation

The Future is Istio

Distributed Data Stores on Kubernetes

Cloud Foundry Container Runtime: BOSH-Powered, Web-Scale Release Engineering for Kubernetes

Death of The Spotify Model: On Radical Productivity Improvements at Enterprise Scale

Kubernetes Operability Tooling

Bringing Magic To Microservice Architecture Development

Building Distributed Systems with Kubernetes

Adopting gRPC: Overcoming Team and Technical Hurdles

From Laptop to the World - Global Deployment at Your Fingertip with Kubernetes Federation

Kubernetes in Real Life

Secure Substrate: Building the Moby Whale

Pragmatic Microservices for Organisational Scalability

Lunar Ways Journey towards Cloud Native Utopia

Democratizing Distributed Systems: Kubernetes, Brigade, Metaparticle and Beyond

Packaging Applications in a Serverless World!

An Intro to Project Riff, a FaaS Built on Top of Knative

Making Microservices Micro with Istio and Kubernetes

Kubernetes-ize your Java Application

Serverless Beyond the Hype

The World after Microservice Migration with Service Mesh and Contract Testing

Troubleshooting & Debugging Microservices in Kubernetes

Optimizing Kubernetes Deployments with Helm

Journeys To Cloud Native Architecture: Sun, Sea And Emergencies

Troubleshooting & Debugging Microservices in Kubernetes

Serverless is the Abstraction We Deserve

Using Kubernetes for Machine Learning Frameworks

Using Kubernetes for Machine Learning Frameworks

In Search of the Perfect Cloud Native Developer Experience

Welcome to Serverless 2.0

OAuth Tokens As Your Identity API

Going Docker, Swarm and Kubernetes Production Like a Pro

Kubernetes Day 3: The State of Kubernetes Development Tooling

Cloud-Native Progressive Delivery

Battle of the Circuit Breakers: Resilience4J vs Istio

Kubernetes, Your Next Java App Server

Helm Your Way with Kubernetes

Cloud Native Progressive Delivery

Building Images For The Secure Supply Chain

Software Rollout at Scale: Using GitOps to Scale Kubernetes Rollouts

Cloud FinOps and Kubernetes Optimisation at Scale

Cloud FinOps and Kubernetes Optimisation at Scale

Cloud FinOps and Kubernetes Optimisation at Scale

The Cloud Native Attitude

Cloud Native Java

Pragmatic Microservices for Organisational Scalability

Going Docker, Swarm and Kubernetes Production Like a Pro

Dino Apps Deserve Love Too!

Optimizing Kubernetes Deployments with Helm

Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers

Transforming Legacy Applications in the Enterprise: Société Générale's Story

Secure Substrate: Building the Moby Whale

Containers From Scratch

Serverless Beyond the Hype

The Cloud Native Attitude

ReasonML: React as a Language and what the Future looks like

Building Secure ReactJS Applications: Mastering Advanced Security Techniques

Reaching Beyond Traditional Boundaries with Clojure

Building Resilient Frontend Architecture

Fast by Default: Near Instant Load Times at Scale with GatsbyJS

Building Secure React Applications

Kafka, DevOps ...And Resilience for All

Rethinking Microservices with Stateful Streams

Cloud Native Event Streaming with Kafka and Open Standards

The Database Unbundled: Commit Logs in an Age of Microservices

Optimizing Amazon EventBridge Pipes with Apache Kafka at ProSiebenSat.1

Kafka Connect: Build & Run Data Pipelines

Making Kafka Queryable with Apache Pinot

Designing A Data-Intensive Future: Expert Talk

Processing Streaming Data with KSQL

Flutter: The Best Way to Build for Mobile?

In the Eventual Consistency of Succeeding at Microservices

REST no more - Using Actors for the Internet of (LEGO) Trains & Raspberry Pis

REST no more - Using Actors for the Internet of (LEGO) Trains & Raspberry Pis

Making Kafka Queryable with Apache Pinot

Orchestrating Your Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow

Cloud Native Event Streaming with Kafka and Open Standards

Analyzing Pwned Passwords with Apache Spark

Scaling Python for Machine Learning: Beyond Data Parallelism

Designing A Data-Intensive Future: Expert Talk

Optimizing Kubernetes Deployments with Helm

Building Optimized Java Microservices with Micronaut 4 & GraalVM

Faster, Greener and Happier − Why Quarkus Should Be Your Next Tech Stack

Event Streaming in The Cloud Native World with Apache Pulsar

Learning Git: A Hands-On & Visual Guide to the Basics of Git

Version-Control Post-Git

Building a Real-Time Analytics Database: A 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Journey

Introduction to Real-Time Analytics with Apache Pinot

Next-Generation Cloud Native Apps with Spring Boot 3

Java In The Cloud with GraalVM

Building Optimized Java Microservices with Micronaut 4 & GraalVM

GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere

SolidJS - The World Beyond Components

Bootiful Spring Boot: A DOGumentary

Reactive Spring

Building Layers of Defense with Spring Security

15 Years of Spring: Evolving a Java Application Framework

Spring Framework 6

Full-stack Reactive Java with Project Reactor & Spring Boot 2

In the Eventual Consistency of Succeeding at Microservices

Bootiful Spring Boot: A DOGumentary

Next-Generation Cloud Native Apps with Spring Boot 3

Bootiful Spring Boot: A DOGumentary

Internet of Healthcare Things – A Platform Approach

Kubernetes: Up and Running

Platform Engineering on Kubernetes

Cloud Native Spring in Action: With Spring Boot and Kubernetes

Kafka Connect: Build and Run Data Pipelines

Kafka in Action

Kafka in Action

Holiday Special 2022

Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA

Learning Git

Spring Boot: Up and Running

Cloud Native Spring in Action: With Spring Boot and Kubernetes

Spring, Start Here

Simplifying Dev Environments With the Right Tools

Expert Talk: gRPC, Kubernetes & .NET

Elixir, Phoenix LiveView & Erlang: Expert Talk

Advanced Application Deployment Strategies with CNCF Technologies

Driving Innovation with Kubernetes & Java

Top Trends in Software Development That You Should Know About

A Container Security Checklist

How to Keep Your Cloud-Native Apps Secure

Migrating to Kubernetes + Best Practices for Cloud Native

Expert Talk: gRPC, Kubernetes & .NET

A Container Security Checklist

Expert Talk: Unlocking the Power of Real-Time Analytics

Advanced Application Deployment Strategies with CNCF Technologies

Quarkus Unveiled: Efficiency & Green Impact

Simplifying Dev Environments With the Right Tools

Expert Talk: Unlocking the Power of Real-Time Analytics

Unleashing Native Imaging Power in GraalVM

Holly Cummins
Red Hat
Senior Principal Software Engineer on the Red Hat Quarkus team
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