GOTO Aarhus 2022
Videos from GOTO Aarhus 2022

Agility is Inefficient

Rediscovering Humanity in Tech

Is Software Engineering Still an Oxymoron? (Live Streamed)
Experts from GOTO Aarhus 2022

Bjarki Madsen
Roof Management
Pushing buttons for a living and Icreative in my work, every day.

Bo Kristensen
Roof Management
Favorite quote: "This I have never tried before, so surely I can do it!"

Stephan Henningsen
Trifork A/S
Creative computer programmer and author of the infamous OkException Design Pattern.

Klaus Bucka-Lassen
Agile consultant with 20+ years experience who's helped companies like LEGO, BP, Nestlé, and Jägermeister become more agile

Jens Østergaard
Scrum Training Institute
Agile developer consultant & founder of the Heart of Scrum

Luxshan Ratnaravi
Comic Agile
Exposing what happens when agility meets reality through #ComicAgile

Adam Tornhill
Founder and CTO at CodeScene Programmer, psychologist, Lisp hacker, speaker and author of several books including "Your Code as a Crime Scene"

Malte Foegen
wibas GmbH
Chief Operating Officer, working with clients on transforming to be successful in digital times

Anna Urbaniak
Agile coach and consultant managing organizational systems, coaching and consulting for over 15 years

Thomas Vitale
Software Architect, author of "Cloud Native Spring in Action", CNCF Ambassador, Oracle ACE Pro

Linda Stougaard Nielsen
Femtec Health
Data scientist, software developer, and agile practitioner