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Welcome to Serverless 2.0

Alex Ellis | GOTO Chicago 2019

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This talk from the creator of OpenFaaS and CNCF Serverless workgroup member Alex Ellis explores what hype actually means for our industry and why it matters so much for serverless right now. You’ll learn why ThoughtWorks says multi-cloud portability is best achieved through containers and learn more about how the industry is shifting towards Kubernetes for container management. This has lead to what Alex is coining Serverless 2.0 - a truly portable experience built on battle-tested technology.

Alex will then explore the current landscape of Serverless with Containers and compare three of the most popular Serverless frameworks for Kubernetes. He’ll then explore two real-world use-cases before going on to give interactive demos where you’ll participate live with a Single Page App connected to managed Postgres.

OpenFaaS had its genesis in 2016 and has trended as the top open-source project on GitHub, won Best Cloud Computing Software from InfoWorld for two years running and has a thriving community with over 190 contributors, 3k commits and over 16.5k stars. A growing end-user community of businesses and teams are taking serverless into production with OpenFaaS and Kubernetes every month.

Come to find out how and why people are leveraging an event-driven, serverless architecture along with some cool interactive demos.

Who should attend this talk? Developers wanting to build cloud native applications

Academic level: Introductory/ Intermediate

What is the take away in this talk? Serverless 2.0 is an architectural design and user-experience that lets developers focus less on infrastructure, by leveraging container images as recommended by ThoughtWorks Serverless 2.0 is portable to any cloud.

About the speakers

Alex Ellis
Alex Ellis

Creator of OpenFaaS, CNCF Ambassador and Author