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Practical Process Automation

Publication date:
March 23, 2021
Bernd Rücker
Bernd Rücker

Co-founder & chief technologist at Camunda

In today’s IT architectures, microservices and serverless functions play an increasingly important role. But how can you create meaningful, comprehensive, and connected business solutions if the individual components are decoupled and independent by design? This book provides a framework through examples and practical advice, and reveals how you can design complex processes in such an environment to deliver true business value.


Practical Process Automation: How to Get Started

Have you ever given process automation a chance? While it affects the daily life of most of the developers on the planet it has a bad reputation. One of the main reasons being that, usually, “Too much logic went into the model at these times, and that was even combined with the technology stack, which was relatively complex” Bernd Ruecker, the author of Practical Process Automation, co-founder at Camunda. Discover the benefits of process automation in an interview with Bernd and Richard Seroter, Director of Product Management at Google Cloud.

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