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Beyond Storytelling: A Deep Dive into Wardley Mapping

Charles Humble • Simon Wardley | GOTO Unscripted

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Simon Wardley and Charles Humble discuss the development of Wardley Mapping, a visual framework that helps organizations understand and navigate technological evolution. Moving beyond traditional business storytelling, the interview explores how mapping enables better strategic decision-making through understanding component evolution, inertia, and gameplay, while also addressing current technological shifts in AI and cyber-physical systems.

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Simon Wardley and Charles Humble discuss the development of Wardley Mapping, a visual framework that helps organizations understand and navigate technological evolution. Moving beyond traditional business storytelling, the interview explores how mapping enables better strategic decision-making through understanding component evolution, inertia, and gameplay, while also addressing current technological shifts in AI and cyber-physical systems.

About the speakers

Charles Humble

Charles Humble

Freelance Techie, Podcaster, Editor, Author & Consultant

Simon Wardley

Simon Wardley

Thought Lord, Mapper, Mostly good