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Insights on Leadership & Innovation

Gene Kim • Charles Humble | GOTO Unscripted

Join Gene Kim and Charles Humble as they demystify the complexities of organizational dynamics, offering a comprehensive guide to navigating challenges and fostering success through his five ideals, backed by real-world stories and expert discussions. Discover the keys to organizational success with Gene Kim and Charles Humble in an insightful conversation, backed by real-world stories and expert discussions.

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Join Gene Kim and Charles Humble as they demystify the complexities of organizational dynamics, offering a comprehensive guide to navigating challenges and fostering success through his five ideals, backed by real-world stories and expert discussions.

Discover the keys to organizational success with Gene Kim and Charles Humble in an insightful conversation, backed by real-world stories and expert discussions.

About the speakers

Charles Humble

Charles Humble

Freelance Techie, Podcaster, Editor, Author & Consultant