Effective Haskell
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Put the power of Haskell to work in your programs, learning from an engineer who uses Haskell daily to get practical work done efficiently. Leverage powerful features like Monad Transformers and Type Families to build useful applications. Realize the benefits of a pure functional language, like protecting your code from side effects. Manage concurrent processes fearlessly. Apply functional techniques to working with databases and building RESTful services. Don’t get bogged down in theory, but learn to employ advanced programming concepts to solve real-world problems. Don’t just learn the syntax, but dive deeply into Haskell as you build efficient, well-tested programs. * Book description: © Pragmatic Programmers: https://pragprog.com/titles/rshaskell/effective-haskell
Put the power of Haskell to work in your programs, learning from an engineer who uses Haskell daily to get practical work done efficiently. Leverage powerful features like Monad Transformers and Type Families to build useful applications. Realize the benefits of a pure functional language, like protecting your code from side effects. Manage concurrent processes fearlessly. Apply functional techniques to working with databases and building RESTful services. Don’t get bogged down in theory, but learn to employ advanced programming concepts to solve real-world problems. Don’t just learn the syntax, but dive deeply into Haskell as you build efficient, well-tested programs.
- Book description: © Pragmatic Programmers: https://pragprog.com/titles/rshaskell/effective-haskell