Erlang and Elixir: On the Shoulder of Giants, There is Room for Larger Giants
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In the past few years, it seems like Erlang semantics paired with Elixir developer experience are spreading to domain after domain, from real-time web apps to UIs, from embedded systems to machine learning. Why is that? Erlang has been around for a few decades, but we’re not sure that it would be as widely-used today if Elixir hadn’t come around. On the other hand, who knows if Elixir would have ever been born without the ideas behind Erlang. In this talk, we want to explore these questions and the symbiotic relationship between the two languages.
In the past few years, it seems like Erlang semantics paired with Elixir developer experience are spreading to domain after domain, from real-time web apps to UIs, from embedded systems to machine learning.
Why is that? Erlang has been around for a few decades, but we’re not sure that it would be as widely-used today if Elixir hadn’t come around. On the other hand, who knows if Elixir would have ever been born without the ideas behind Erlang.
In this talk, we want to explore these questions and the symbiotic relationship between the two languages.