Event-Driven Integration Today and Tomorrow
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In his 2021 book, Flow Architectures: The Future of Streaming and Event-Driven Integration, James laid out a roadmap to a future in which connecting live event activity across organization boundaries will be as easy as linking information with HTTP and HTML. James will describe flow architecture, where are we today on that journey, and what is keeping us from getting there right now. Along the way he’ll point out important landmarks like AWS Eventbridge, OpenTelemetry, CloudEvents and where we’ll get the fuel needed to finish the trip.
In his 2021 book, Flow Architectures: The Future of Streaming and Event-Driven Integration, James laid out a roadmap to a future in which connecting live event activity across organization boundaries will be as easy as linking information with HTTP and HTML.
James will describe flow architecture, where are we today on that journey, and what is keeping us from getting there right now. Along the way he’ll point out important landmarks like AWS Eventbridge, OpenTelemetry, CloudEvents and where we’ll get the fuel needed to finish the trip.