Home Conference Sessions How Corsearch Ma...

How Corsearch Manages Software Delivery at Scale

Nick Durkin • Nikolaos Papageorgiou • Antonio Silva | GOTO Amsterdam 2022

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Software is integral to the pace of innovation at almost every business in the world. Yet as companies scale the culture and technology used to build, test and deploy software often struggles to keep up.

In this session, Harness and Corsearch will share the latest developments and trends in software development. With a focus on how new technologies, powered by machine learning and AI-driven, are improving developer experiences and increasing productivity.

About the speakers

Nick Durkin
Nick Durkin

Field CTO, VP Field Engineering at Harness

Nikolaos Papageorgiou
Nikolaos Papageorgiou

Enterprise sales engineer at Harness

Antonio Silva
Antonio Silva

Director of Delivery Engineering at Corsearch