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Chaos Engineering Security

Publication date:
May 24, 2022
Kelly Shortridge
Kelly Shortridge

Senior Principal, Product Technology at Fastly

Aaron Rinehart
Aaron Rinehart

Sr. Distinguished Engineer of Production Reliability Engineering (PRE) at CapitalOne

Aaron Rinehart and Kelly Shortridge explain how engineers can navigate security in this new frontier. You'll learn the guiding principles of security chaos engineering for harnessing experimentation and failure as tools for empowerment--and you'll understand how to transform security from a gatekeeper to a valued advisor. Case studies from Capital One and Cardinal Health are included.


Security Chaos Engineering

What’s the state of the art in modern security practices? The authors of the book Security Chaos Engineering, Aaron Rinehart and Kelly Shortridge talk to Mark Mille about the shift in the mental model that one has to undertake to reap its benefits. Their approach paves a new way that allows security engineers to uncover bugs in complex systems by chaos experiments before an actual attack.

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