The Need for Role Model Ladders
In workplaces and industries where women are significantly underrepresented, it can be very hard for women to muster the motivation to climb the corporate ladder - especially if they can't see a path to get there. The void of female role models is like missing rungs in the ladder - only the very brave will dare climb higher with no support. Staffing the workplace with women in leadership roles, from junior management and all the way through the C-Suite, can make all the difference. In this talk, Nicole Bryan, VP Product at Tasktop, will provide concrete steps organizations can take to create "role model ladders" by sharing her experiences as a female executive in the software industry. She’ll talk about her challenges seeking female role models, being a role model herself, and working to increase diversity in a male-dominant industry. 3 Key Takeaways: * In work environments where women are significantly underrepresented, women need female role models holding higher, yet attainable positions * Organizations need women in leadership roles at **every** level of the organization - paving an attainable path from junior managers through the C-suite * Organizations should make extra efforts to ensure mothers hold management positions, to model appropriate work-life balance to younger female employees