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Pragmatic Event-Driven Microservices

Allard Buijze | GOTO Amsterdam 2018

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Most discussions about the implementation of a new system or component (especially when considering a microservices-based architecture) start by evaluating the various technical options and their challenges. However, the real business value isn’t in these technical choices but in the functionality they provide.

Allard Buijze outlines an evolutionary approach to microservices, which allows teams to focus on functionality first while keeping the ability to scale out and distribute components when necessary. Allard covers patterns based on domain-driven design (DDD) and command query responsibility segregation (CQRS) that help ensure the correct decoupling stays in place during an application’s lifecycle and explores the value of using events in such an architecture, particularly when used in combination with other types of messages.

About the speakers

Allard Buijze
Allard Buijze

Creator of Axon Framework