Building a Serverless Distributed Ledger with FaunaDB
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As the blockchain hype passes, one standout use-case with lasting interest is the distributed ledger. A distributed ledger allows participants at different sites to maintain shared transaction logs. Enterprises are exploring non-blockchain implementations of distributed ledgers, while at the same time embracing the serverless paradigm. In this talk we’ll explore a ledger implementation using the Serverless Framework, AWS Lambda, and FaunaDB. Then we’ll describe how to deploy the ledger application across a consortium of market participants, achieving the collaboration, auditing, and security results needed for a distributed ledger, all without the typical downsides of the blockchain. Finally we’ll point you to in-depth resources to learn more about how Fortune 500s are using globally consistent databases to build scalable distributed applications without the blockchain.
As the blockchain hype passes, one standout use-case with lasting interest is the distributed ledger. A distributed ledger allows participants at different sites to maintain shared transaction logs. Enterprises are exploring non-blockchain implementations of distributed ledgers, while at the same time embracing the serverless paradigm. In this talk we’ll explore a ledger implementation using the Serverless Framework, AWS Lambda, and FaunaDB. Then we’ll describe how to deploy the ledger application across a consortium of market participants, achieving the collaboration, auditing, and security results needed for a distributed ledger, all without the typical downsides of the blockchain. Finally we’ll point you to in-depth resources to learn more about how Fortune 500s are using globally consistent databases to build scalable distributed applications without the blockchain.