Azure Durable Functions for Developers: Developing & Solving Complex Event-Driven Workflows
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Are you a developer who wants to learn more about serverless, event-driven and cloud development in Azure? In this session, Jonah Andersson will share about how you can get started in developing stateful event-driven workflows with Microsoft Azure Durable Functions in a serverless environment in .NET and other supported programming languages. Learn the fundamental concepts you need to know to get started coding serverless applications with Durable Functions, which are ideal for orchestrating complex long-running workflows that involve multiple steps, retries, and timeouts. You will learn about the different Azure Durable Functions application patterns for event-driven parallel execution, human interaction workflows, and other complex event-driven scenarios, and more. There will be a code demo and examples during the session as well as recommended learning resources to keep you inspired to learn more by doing even after the conference.
Are you a developer who wants to learn more about serverless, event-driven and cloud development in Azure? In this session, Jonah Andersson will share about how you can get started in developing stateful event-driven workflows with Microsoft Azure Durable Functions in a serverless environment in .NET and other supported programming languages.
Learn the fundamental concepts you need to know to get started coding serverless applications with Durable Functions, which are ideal for orchestrating complex long-running workflows that involve multiple steps, retries, and timeouts.
You will learn about the different Azure Durable Functions application patterns for event-driven parallel execution, human interaction workflows, and other complex event-driven scenarios, and more. There will be a code demo and examples during the session as well as recommended learning resources to keep you inspired to learn more by doing even after the conference.