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Can Top-Down Agile Work?

In many cases, agile practices have been introduced in organizations starting bottom-up. There is, however, a new trend where management is trying to be the driver of agility. Join the discussion with Malte Foegen, COO at wibas, Luxshan Ratnaravi, agile coach at Bankdata and Mikkel Noe-Nygaard, UX design specialist at Vestas, to understand what changes have to be implemented in an enterprise for such a top-down approach. And more importantly, can it be successful?

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About the experts

Malte Foegen

Malte Foegen

Chief Operating Officer, working with clients on transforming to be successful in digital times

Mikkel Noe-Nygaard

Mikkel Noe-Nygaard

UX Saviour at Vestas & Cartoonist at Comic Agilé

Luxshan Ratnaravi

Luxshan Ratnaravi

Exposing what happens when agility meets reality through #ComicAgile

Read further

In many cases, agile practices have been introduced in organizations starting bottom-up. There is, however, a new trend where management is trying to be the driver of agility. Join the discussion with Malte Foegen, COO at wibas, Luxshan Ratnaravi, agile coach at Bankdata and Mikkel Noe-Nygaard, UX design specialist at Vestas, to understand what changes have to be implemented in an enterprise for such a top-down approach. And more importantly, can it be successful?