Home Conference Sessions Adrian’s Greates...

Adrian’s Greatest Hits, B-Sides and Re-issues

Adrian Cockcroft | YOW! Brisbane 2022

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Adrian retired from Amazon in June 2022, and like a classic rock band on a farewell tour, Adrian will rerun and comment on excerpts of talks he's given in the past, including some of the original Netflix Architecture content from Qcon SF 2010, Microservices from MicroXchg Berlin, the GigaOM Cloud Trends talk from 2015, Communicating Sequential Goroutines from 2016, and AWS talks featuring animated kitchen sinks and lego spaceships. It will rock! Headbanging optional.

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Adrian retired from Amazon in June 2022, and like a classic rock band on a farewell tour, Adrian will rerun and comment on excerpts of talks he's given in the past, including some of the original Netflix Architecture content from Qcon SF 2010, Microservices from MicroXchg Berlin, the GigaOM Cloud Trends talk from 2015, Communicating Sequential Goroutines from 2016, and AWS talks featuring animated kitchen sinks and lego spaceships. It will rock! Headbanging optional.

About the speakers

Adrian Cockcroft

Adrian Cockcroft

Partner and Analyst, OrionX

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