Home Conference Sessions Don’t Get Blamed...

Don’t Get Blamed for Your Choices

Hannes Lowette | GOTO Oslo 2020

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This talk will be live on the boat; an alternative talk will be released to virtual attendees

Making choices is hard. As developers, we make choices all the time: architectures, frameworks, libraries, cloud providers, etc. So if you’ve been around for a while, you probably ended up regretting at least some of those choices. In this talk, I dive into a few situations where the choices that we made as a team gone horribly wrong. Luckily, I learned these lessons the hard way, so you don’t have to! In this talk you will learn how to make choices responsibly. You’ll learn what to look out for if you want to minimize the chance of regretting them later on.

Now, if only there was a way to prove your newly acquired skills to your peers and superiors. Well, there is: RAD Certification! I’ll conclude my talk by telling you about this. And as a bonus, if you get certified during the conference, you can score your RAD certificate and corresponding swag!

About the speakers

Hannes Lowette
Hannes Lowette

Head of learning & development at Axxes and a passionate .NET developer