Home GOTO Experts David Allen

David Allen

Founder @ Quantum Mobile Solutions

David Allen

David Allen is an experienced technology leader who is owned by two crazy rescue Greyhounds. Seriously, they are crazy, and seem to take great delight in making my life as complicated and taking up as much of my time as they possibly can.

David has been architecting and developing software and systems, and managing development teams, for far too many years to admit to. David has worked in defense, aerospace, space systems, telecoms, simulation, fintech, elections, and more recently have been a technology consultant specializing in mobile.

He is passionate about solving problems, developing products and services that help people, providing great customer experiences, reducing product lifecycle costs, and learning new things!

David has worked with a broad range of technologies and come to two major conclusions. First that while there is always the next new ‘thing’, it’s usually just an older ‘thing’ with a few additions and new set of terminology to make it look new and shiny! Second there is no ‘silver bullet’, an approach, methodology, or technology which is the ‘best’ and will solve all our problems and make what we do easy. We should all be happy about this, because if there were, most of us would be out of a job!

Back to the Greyhounds (far more interesting), they are sweet, wonderful and had a hard life, so they don’t begrudge them a thing (in which might lie the root of the problem!).

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