Retrospectives Antipatterns

Online GOTO Night
Aino Vonge Corry
Aino Vonge Corry

Author of "Retrospectives Antipatterns"

About the event

This GOTO night is focused on what can go wrong at retrospectives and how to avoid it, or remedy it, if you find yourself in a bad situation.

It is audience-driven, so you're expected to come up with questions that Aino will then answer during the 45 minutes you have together. To get you started, Aino will pose the following questions herself, and answer them herself: Who should you invite to a retrospective? What is the prime directive and why it is important? What skills do you need in order to be a good facilitator?


17.00 | Welcome to this GOTO Night with Aino Corry
17.05 | Aino Corry's talk begins
17.30 | Live Q&A session with Aino Corry
17:55 | Thank you for joining us in this GOTO Night

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