Google I/O Live Streaming Event
Onsite GOTO Night
GOTO, Trifork and Google Developer Group Copenhagen are happy to welcome you to this year’s Google I/O Streaming event at the Trifork office.
The Keynote starts at 19:00 CEST, and doors open at 17.30 CEST. We hope you will arrive at that time in order to mingle, have fun and get some food and drinks, as well as checking out the Trifork office!
- 17.30: Doors open
- 17.45: Food, snacks and drinks
- 18.40: Welcome by GOTO, Trifork and GDG Copenhagen
- 18.45: Kahoot Quiz
- 19.00: Streaming of Google IO 2022 Keynote speak
- 21.30: Thanks for today
During the evening we will do a kahoot quiz, where you can win tickets for GOTO Copenhagen 2022.
We hope to see you for an exciting evening full of surprises and announcements from Google.
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