large language models (LLM)

The Programmer’s Apprentice Season 2: Advancements and Future Directions in AI-assisted Coding
The Programmer’s Apprentice Season 2: Advancements and Future Directions in AI-assisted Coding
YOW! Sydney 2023
The Programmer’s Apprentice Season 2: Advancements and Future Directions in AI-assisted Coding
The Programmer’s Apprentice Season 2: Advancements and Future Directions in AI-assisted Coding
YOW! Melbourne 2023
The Programmer’s Apprentice Season 2: Advancements and Future Directions in AI-assisted Coding
The Programmer’s Apprentice Season 2: Advancements and Future Directions in AI-assisted Coding
YOW! Brisbane 2023
Building Owly an AI Comic Video Generator For My Son
Building Owly an AI Comic Video Generator For My Son
YOW! Perth 2023
Machine Learning For Web3: Realizing The Potential and The Challenge of Censorship Resistance
Machine Learning For Web3: Realizing The Potential and The Challenge of Censorship Resistance
GOTO Chicago 2023
Large Language Models: Friend, Foe, or Otherwise
Large Language Models: Friend, Foe, or Otherwise
GOTO Chicago 2023
Hello Deep Learning
Hello Deep Learning
GOTO Amsterdam 2023
Unleash the Power of Large Language Models (LLMs)
Unleash the Power of Large Language Models (LLMs)
GOTO Amsterdam 2023
Coding Will Never Be The Same Again
Coding Will Never Be The Same Again
YOW! Melbourne 2023
Coding Will Never Be The Same Again
Coding Will Never Be The Same Again
YOW! Brisbane 2023
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