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Observability, Distributed Tracing & the Complex World

Dave McAllister | GOTO Chicago 2019

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In a world of increasingly complex architectures and environments, the concept of observability has emerged to provide tools to watch over the apps and architectures. With new focus on monitoring and alerts, tools are presenting levels of information that are useful in the world of orchestration and Kubernetes, microservices and hybrid clouds. But to quote Sherlock Holmes, “You see, but you do not observe” (A Scandal in Bohemia). Single tools may not show you the whole truth. Come join in for an introduction to the concepts driving observability, with a dive into the deep end of the pool in distributed tracing. We’ll cover how all the pieces, from alerts to code, fit together to give you the total view of your architecture, allowing you to get to root cause issues faster. This talk is from our partner.

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In a world of increasingly complex architectures and environments, the concept of observability has emerged to provide tools to watch over the apps and architectures. With new focus on monitoring and alerts, tools are presenting levels of information that are useful in the world of orchestration and Kubernetes, microservices and hybrid clouds.

But to quote Sherlock Holmes, “You see, but you do not observe” (A Scandal in Bohemia). Single tools may not show you the whole truth.

Come join in for an introduction to the concepts driving observability, with a dive into the deep end of the pool in distributed tracing. We’ll cover how all the pieces, from alerts to code, fit together to give you the total view of your architecture, allowing you to get to root cause issues faster.

This talk is from our partner.

About the speakers

Dave McAllister

Dave McAllister

Sr OSS Technical Evangelist at NGINX