Adopting gRPC: Overcoming Team and Technical Hurdles
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gRPC and Protocol Buffers are becoming industry standards for exchanging data across systems and stitching together micro-services to build scalable applications. But there are barriers for new teams that want to adopt gRPC, such as minimal tooling for testing, inspecting, and interacting with gRPC servers. At FullStory, we've adopted gRPC and have developed general-purpose tools to overcome some of the inherent challenges. In this talk, we will introduce gRPC to those unfamiliar and discuss its benefits and tradeoffs, We will also describe other obstacles to adopting gRPC, and discuss patterns and best practices that can help overcome these obstacles to make developers more productive. Lastly, we’ll demo some of the tools that FullStory has built, grpcurl and grpcui, showing how they make gRPC more approachable and easier to work with. This is a partner talk.
gRPC and Protocol Buffers are becoming industry standards for exchanging data across systems and stitching together micro-services to build scalable applications. But there are barriers for new teams that want to adopt gRPC, such as minimal tooling for testing, inspecting, and interacting with gRPC servers. At FullStory, we've adopted gRPC and have developed general-purpose tools to overcome some of the inherent challenges. In this talk, we will introduce gRPC to those unfamiliar and discuss its benefits and tradeoffs,
We will also describe other obstacles to adopting gRPC, and discuss patterns and best practices that can help overcome these obstacles to make developers more productive. Lastly, we’ll demo some of the tools that FullStory has built, grpcurl and grpcui, showing how they make gRPC more approachable and easier to work with.
This is a partner talk.