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Elixir: The only Sane Choice in an Insane World

Brian Cardarella | GOTO Chicago 2017

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There are so many choices today for building fast backends. The difficult part is that nearly all of them are great when it comes to building the applications of yesterday. But what about tomorrow? Come learn why Elixir not only gives you the performance that your ideas demand but can enable you to go so much further and open a new world of possibilities for your company.

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There are so many choices today for building fast backends. The difficult part is that nearly all of them are great when it comes to building the applications of yesterday. But what about tomorrow? Come learn why Elixir not only gives you the performance that your ideas demand but can enable you to go so much further and open a new world of possibilities for your company.

About the speakers

Brian Cardarella

Brian Cardarella

CEO of DockYard, Inc

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