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TensorFlow in the Wild (or the Democratization of Machine Learning)

Kaz Sato | GOTO Berlin 2017

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TensorFlow, the open source library for machine learning from Google, has been democratizing the world of machine intelligence since its launch in 2015. With TensorFlow, combined with the scalability of Google’s Cloud Machine Learning Engine, now anyone can leverage deep learning technology cheaply and without much expertise. We will explore three examples of business that have adopted TensorFlow and Cloud ML to solve their real-world problems: a cucumber farmer in Japan who was able to build a deep learning-based cucumber sorter by himself, a used car auction service using TF for classifying car models and parts, and a global insurance company that has been able to increase prediction accuracy significantly on accident cases.

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TensorFlow, the open source library for machine learning from Google, has been democratizing the world of machine intelligence since its launch in 2015. With TensorFlow, combined with the scalability of Google’s Cloud Machine Learning Engine, now anyone can leverage deep learning technology cheaply and without much expertise.

We will explore three examples of business that have adopted TensorFlow and Cloud ML to solve their real-world problems: a cucumber farmer in Japan who was able to build a deep learning-based cucumber sorter by himself, a used car auction service using TF for classifying car models and parts, and a global insurance company that has been able to increase prediction accuracy significantly on accident cases.

About the speakers

Kaz Sato

Kaz Sato

Staff Developer Advocate, Google Cloud

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