Home Conference Sessions A Kafkaesque ser...

A Kafkaesque series of events

Lily Mara | YOW! Sydney 2022

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You may have heard that Rust eliminates concurrency bugs, and this is largely true. This talk will be a deep-dive into the investigation of a concurrency bug that could not be caught by the Rust type system. We'll walk through the background on the asynchronous messaging systems at OneSignal that process billions of events per day, and discuss how a massive series of unfortunate coincidences caused almost a total stoppage of work.

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You may have heard that Rust eliminates concurrency bugs, and this is largely true. This talk will be a deep-dive into the investigation of a concurrency bug that could not be caught by the Rust type system. We'll walk through the background on the asynchronous messaging systems at OneSignal that process billions of events per day, and discuss how a massive series of unfortunate coincidences caused almost a total stoppage of work.

About the speakers

Lily Mara

Lily Mara

Engineering Manager, OneSignal

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