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Event-driven Architectures in Practice: Lessons Learned Building an e-Commerce platform in Six Months at Cinch

Emily Shea • Toli Apostolidis | GOTO EDA Day 2022

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Event-driven architectures is a powerful way to decouple development teams, allowing them to build autonomously and release new features fast. But what does this look like in practice? In this session, you will hear from AWS and cinch, one of the fastest growing start-ups in the UK.

You will learn how cinch built an entirely new event-driven e-commerce platform in just 6 months. We will explore cinch’s architecture and AWS services used, the practices that helped cinch succeed, and the considerations for anyone looking to increase team agility and feature release velocity.

About the speakers

Emily Shea
Emily Shea

Head of Application Integration Go-To-Market, AWS

Toli Apostolidis
Toli Apostolidis

Engineering Practice Lead at Cinch