Kubeflow for Machine Learning
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Machine Learning has been declared dead several times but that’s far from true. Join [Adi Polak](https://twitter.com/adipolak), vice president of developer experience at [Treeverse](http://treeverse.io), and [Holden Karau](https://twitter.com/holdenkarau), open source engineer at Netflix, in their conversation about Kubeflow and how it provides better tooling in the ML space. The discussion touches on Holden’s book “[Kubeflow for Machine Learning](https://amzn.to/3JVngcx)” and expands to cover the worlds of [Ray](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/scaling-python-with/9781098118792) and [Dask](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/scaling-python-with/9781098119867).
Machine Learning has been declared dead several times but that’s far from true. Join Adi Polak, vice president of developer experience at Treeverse, and Holden Karau, open source engineer at Netflix, in their conversation about Kubeflow and how it provides better tooling in the ML space. The discussion touches on Holden’s book “Kubeflow for Machine Learning” and expands to cover the worlds of Ray and Dask.