What are Micro-frontends and How to Use Them
Not sure where micro-frontends would fit in your current architecture? Luca Mezzalira, author of “Building Micro-Frontends,” speaks with Lucas Dohmen, senior consultant from INNOQ, to share what problems you can solve with micro-frontends and where they can fit within your distributed systems. RECOMMENDED BOOKS Luca Mezzalira • Building Micro-Frontends • https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/building-micro-frontends/9781492082989 Luca Mezzalira • Front-End Reactive Architectures • https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/front-end-reactive-architectures/9781484231807
About the experts
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Not sure where micro-frontends would fit in your current architecture? Luca Mezzalira, author of “Building Micro-Frontends,” speaks with Lucas Dohmen, senior consultant from INNOQ, to share what problems you can solve with micro-frontends and where they can fit within your distributed systems.
RECOMMENDED BOOKS Luca Mezzalira • Building Micro-Frontends • https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/building-micro-frontends/9781492082989 Luca Mezzalira • Front-End Reactive Architectures • https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/front-end-reactive-architectures/9781484231807