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Machine Learning for Developer Self-Care [Online]

Erik Meijer | GOTO AI Summit

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Facebook (now Meta) has **2.89 billion** monthly active users world wide and generates **4 petabytes of data per day**, which is a million gigabyte! How can AI and machine learning be applied to find **patterns** and help analyze this massive amount of data? Facebook's Director of Engineering **Erik Meijer**'s mission is to use machine learning to make developers more efficient and productive by finding and preventing bugs, crashes, regressions, selecting tests, helping with code reviews and more. Don't miss his talk on how to apply AI and ML in the real world.

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Facebook (now Meta) has 2.89 billion monthly active users world wide and generates 4 petabytes of data per day, which is a million gigabyte! How can AI and machine learning be applied to find patterns and help analyze this massive amount of data?

Facebook's Director of Engineering Erik Meijer's mission is to use machine learning to make developers more efficient and productive by finding and preventing bugs, crashes, regressions, selecting tests, helping with code reviews and more.

Don't miss his talk on how to apply AI and ML in the real world.

About the speakers

Erik Meijer

Erik Meijer

Director of engineering at Facebook; "Think Like A Fundamentalist, Code Like A Hacker"

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