Home Conference Sessions The Role of Soft...

The Role of Software Developers in Machine Learning

Catherine Gamboa | GOTOpia Chicago 2021

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Machine learning, it sounds sexy and everyone wants to do it. Before you get run over by the machine learning stampede, learn what is the role of the software developer in a machine learning project. (Hint: it’s big!) We’ll discuss machine learning systems and what a software developer needs to know about them to be successful in the brave new world of machine learning. **Attendees:** <a href="https://gotopiachicago2021.slack.com/archives/C01UDEU4WRY" target="_blank">Join the #machinelearning channel on Slack to send your questions to Catherine</a>

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Machine learning, it sounds sexy and everyone wants to do it. Before you get run over by the machine learning stampede, learn what is the role of the software developer in a machine learning project. (Hint: it’s big!) We’ll discuss machine learning systems and what a software developer needs to know about them to be successful in the brave new world of machine learning.

Attendees: Join the #machinelearning channel on Slack to send your questions to Catherine

About the speakers

Catherine Gamboa

Catherine Gamboa

Machine learning global educationalist

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